Years of Visiting Hospitalized Children
Hospital Visits a year
Children Distracted, Enchanted, Transported
Laughter has physiological effects — it changes body chemistry and brain function. Studies continue to prove that ongoing laughter will ease pain, alleviate anxiety, and improve health and well-being. We augment laughter's natural-healing superpowers with consistent social connections to help pediatric patients reframe potentially traumatic experiences.
"Almost 12 years ago, we experienced one of the most frightening times of our lives, when our three-year-old daughter Katie was diagnosed with a brain tumor. After meeting with her team of doctors at NYU's Hassenfeld Children's Clinic, we learned that Katie would have to undergo very aggressive chemotherapy that would last over a year.
At the time, all I could think about was how difficult this journey would be for all of us. How do you keep a 3-year-old occupied and happy while being poked and prodded for an entire day in the clinic? How could we possibly keep our strength and spirits up as a family? How could we keep a brave face for her, so she would not know how frightened we were or be frightened herself? The answer to all of these questions came to our family like an angel out of the sky, in the shape of a clown by the name of Looney Lenny!
Looney Lenny wasn't only there to keep us all entertained and distracted while Katie underwent her infusion, he was also there as therapy to all of us. How lucky were we that Looney Lenny was there for almost every single one of Katie's 49 treatments. Each week he was there you could hear the laughter among parents and children throughout the clinic. He brought joy to all of us!
I still remember our 6:24 AM train ride each week where Katie, with her eyes barely open would ask 'Will Looney Lenny be at the clinic today?' I cannot express enough how Lenny provided the happiest ray of sunshine in the darkest moment of our lives. Katie (or Cakie as Lenny calls her) still asks every time we go back to Hassenfeld, 'Where is Looney Lenny?' and she is almost 16 years old. We love you Looney Lenny ~ thank you for the handprint you have forever left on our hearts!"
— Kim Hanson